
Being a photo ninja takes some serious thinking. The first time I did it, I looked like Trailer Park Ninja. So, what I learned was twofold:

1. The arm things go OUTSIDE the sleeves.
2. I need to find out how the heck I'm supposed to get the hood to stay tight.

And yeah, seriously, there's a backstory here. My ex Nicole has friends. One of her acquaintances - not friends - bugs the heck out of almost everyone. And hates being photographed. She also claims that no one can ever sneak up on her to get a photo. Enter The (Photo) Ninja!

I was pleasantly surprised with the quality of the uniform I picked up from Karate-Mart though. I was expecting something I could wear a couple times before it dies, but what I got was actually on a par with the low-end karate gi's. It's nowhere near as durable as my heavy-duty gi I bought for practice, but it's better than I expected.

I imagine it'd be a lot less reflective and starchy if I were to wash it a couple times, but honestly I don't know how color-fast it is and I'm not about to risk a catastrophe right before the costume party.