
2005-06-17: It's late, I'm bored. LET'S MOVE FURNITURE!

My day started off with the Fedex guy knocking on the door. My order from Smarthome had come in, with an electrical usage meter (more on that later), a bag of coaxial terminators to reduce a bit of the noise in my cable lines, and lastly a grab-bag of different-strength attenuators. I'm hoping to figure out if the cable here is under-powered or over-amplified, or what.

This evening, Craig and I were playing the PS2, watching some anime, etc. Around 0100 hours, I realized that with Brian gone for the weekend, the time was perfect to undertake a home improvement project I've drooled over for quite some time: turning the other two server racks from Printable.com into a new home entertainment center. I unplugged everything and shuffled it around the living room while Craig prepped the racks for relocation, then we moved them on in and put them in place. It's unfortunate that I didn't take pics of the AV components strewn around the living room area, but I did get pics of where the entertainment center used to be and then the racks, before the TV was put between them.

As visible in this shot, the entertainment center rack was laid out like a server room rack. Power was the first issue addressed - the UPS went into the bottom area, the computer and network gear on the first shelf up (as the network cable is strung along the floor), then the AV components were placed above that (DVD player, Tivo, VCR). And lastly, my surround sound receiver went up. Seperating everything out actually eliminated the light interference I've seen on my TV when using component video (DVDs) and DVI video (computer). With all those cables running together the way they used to, it's a wonder I'd gotten away with as little cross-talk as I'd had before.

One of the biggest accomplishments made that night was reclaiming the reading room where the racks used to be. The benefits thereof weren't apparent right away, but on Sunday, they were made fully manifest.